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Dads History Marvin & Jeanett_edited.png

Marvin Charles (CEO) & Jeanett Charles (COO)
Co-Founders of D.A.D.S


  • D.A.D.S. (Divine Alternatives for Dads Services) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) organization that is leading a movement to eradicate the epidemic of fatherlessness in America.


  • D.A.D.S. gives fathers HOPE by walking together in a supportive community, helping navigate relational and legal barriers which separate them from their children and families.


  • Our vision is to stop the cycle of family violence and brokenness in order to improve the lives of children and encourage fathers to become agents of change in their communities.

Spreading the Message

Through much prayer, counsel, and meditation, I believe it is now time to develop DADS’ second book. I am now in the process of writing a second biographical account which helps to raise consciousness about fatherlessness as well as identifying the continued challenges and solutions of fatherhood.. We will be updating the first book with more recent statistics and stories, as well as cross-referencing all our books, seamlessly tying all the publications together in a way that allows others to benefit from and replicate our model.


Check out our Kickstarter to learn more and find out how you can contribute!

Why D.A.D.S.? 

Did you know that Fatherlessness in the US costs our society $100+Billion per year?

Children do better with DADS! 

  • Fathers

  • Families and children

  • Communities

Who Do We Serve?

What Do We Do?

Case Management


Child Support


Document Preparation


Family Reunification​

Parenting Classes


Parenting Plan Assistance


Referral Services

Support Groups



Our Impact.

Contact Us Today.

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