Divine Alternatives for Dads Services
D.A.D.S Strategic Plan

Program Measurement and Outcomes:
DADS intends that every participant in the program eventually reaches the highest level of personal development. A high percentage of those who stay connected to the program go on to achieve a sustained level of success including employment, family reunification, community service, increased child and family support payment, and reduced recidivism.
Success in measured by ongoing client participation, progress toward child contact and family reunification, and data counts of new clients, office visit, support groups, demographics served services req2uestd. In addition, DADS externally validate outcomes by annual direct- data matches with the Washington State Division of Child Support and Department of Corrections.
These data matches have consistently shown:
• Significant percentage increase in child support repayment rates
• Significant debt reduction in child support arrears (debt)
• Millions of dollars in savings WA state TANF support to needy families – indicating they are achieving increased ability for self – support
• Significant reduction in prison recidivism rate, resulting in millions of dollars in savings for WA state prison cost
DADS is interested in conducting a longitudinal study of its effect on multi-generational father absence and is seeking academic and funding partners for this study